4 Safety Tips For Walking Your Dog In The Fall

Posted on: 28 September 2015

When fall has arrived, you will notice that the days become shorter and there is a much higher chance of rain. Because of this, walking your dog in the late evening or even in the morning can become a bit more challenging. However, you still want to ensure your dog gets outside for their exercise. Here are four safety tips to follow when walking your dog in the fall season:

  1. Wear Bright Colors: You should wear bright colors, especially if you are walking during the darker times of the day or in cloudy weather. This is going to make it easy for drivers to spot you. You should also consider buying your dog a neon colored collar, or even a bright raincoat if you walk them during light rain showers. If your dog is out in the road before you are or suddenly runs out into the road without you, this will make it easy for a car to see your precious pup and ensure that an accident is avoided. 
  2. Still Stay Hydrated: Many people only think to bring along water with them when the sun is out and it's hot. However, even in cold weather, your dog and even you need to stay hydrated. If you plan on taking a long walk, be sure to bring along water for the both of you and make stops as often as you need to in order to rehydrate.
  3. Have an ID for Your Dog: Having an ID tag on your dog all the time is important all year round, but especially during the fall season, when it becomes darker and easier for your dog to slip out of your sight. Bad weather conditions can make it much more difficult to find your dog if he or she were to get loose. You should even consider having your dog microchipped, which is just another extra precaution to take that will make it easier to locate your dog.
  4. Walk on the Left-Side: As a precaution, it's best to walk on the left-side of the street so that cars coming towards you will easily see you coming. During the darker time of the year, especially on rainy and cold days, it makes it more difficult on drivers to really see their surroundings. However, if you are approaching them head-on, it gives them more time to react in the case that they need to make a quick stop if you are going to cross the street or if your dog runs out of your grasp. 

By following these four safety tips for walking your dog during the fall season, you can be sure that you are staying extra safe and avoiding any potential accidents and more. You can even contact a dog walking service for professional help.


Keeping My Pet Happy While I Travel

When my employer asked me to travel abroad for a year straight, I realized that it would be hard to take my pet along. Since I didn't know where I was going to be and what I was going to be doing, it seemed a little risky to pack my dog on a plane and hope for the best. Instead, I looked around for a pet boarding center who could take care of my dog while I was away. I was able to find an incredible business that handled long-term pet care, and they offered everything I was looking for. Check out this blog for information about pet daycare.

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