• Essentials For Helping Train Your Dog For Their First Agility Competition

    If you like training your dog, and would like to move beyond the basics of sit, fetch, and roll over, then you might like to train your dog for an agility competition. This is a super fun way to get exercise with your dog; plus, once you get into the swing of agility training, you can head around to lots of different competitions. It's a fun pastime, and one that will take you and your dog to places beyond the dog park.
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  • Take Advantage Of Pet Day Care Programs That Socially Benefits Your Dog's Health

    When you are a working person and you have a dog left back at home, it gets boring for your pet. Dogs need companionship just as humans do. They are by nature pack animals that like to run about with other dogs, toss their toys in the air and bury their favorite bones below ground. That is not enough to keep your pet entertained though when you are at work all day.
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  • Prepare Your Pet For The Summer

    Your pet needs extra care to be ready for summer. Things like insects, new plant growth and rising temperatures are all things that need to be addressed. Here is a guideline of things you need to do to prepare your pet for the summer. Flea Treatment Insects like mites and fleas grow in vast numbers when mercury rises. Even pets that haven't had any issues with fleas in the past may become infected from a simple visit out in the backyard.
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  • 2 Tips for Finding a Responsible Dog Breeder

    If you are thinking about getting a pure-breed dog you want to buy it from a responsible breeder. You want to do that because you will know that your new dog is going to be as genetically healthy as possible. A responsible breeder will do genetic testing on the dog's parents before they are bred to make sure that no genetic diseases or particular breed problems are going to cause problems.
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  • Three Things You Should Do To Keep Your Dog Healthy When Using Boarding Services

    Dog boarding facilities provide a valuable service to dog owners and their best friends. The right boarding facility will give you peace of mind when you have to be away and entrust your pooch to the care of others. A great boarding facility will also help socialize your dog and give him peace of mind when you have to be away from him. If you need to board your dog, whether it be for a couple of days or a longer period of time, the following three tips will help you keep your dog happy and safe while you are separated.
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  • Boarding Your Dog? There's No Place Like Home

    No matter how much you try to include your dog in every aspect of your life, there are times when your dog just can't be with you. If you have to travel for work, a life emergency or even just a vacation, you want to know that your dog is taken care of properly and treated with kindness. You also want to make sure that your dog feels comfortable and is not stressed while you are away.
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  • Looking For Dog Boarding Services For Puppies: 3 Features To Look For

    If your dog is still a puppy, you should look for a dog boarding service that will be able to take in your puppy until you get back. Unlike older dogs, puppies require more attention and care. You'll have to vet the various dog boarding services available in your area in order to find professionals who know what they're doing. In particular, here are 3 features you should look for.
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  • A Few Reasons To Take Your Short-Haired Pet To The Groomers

    If you own short-haired pets, you are saved the problems that go with caring for pets with longer hair. You do not have to brush or comb them as often, if at all, you will probably never have to deal with matted hair, and don't have to worry about hidden prickers, sticks, or other items that can be poking into the animal's skin. You may even think you do not need to take your pet to be groomed.
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