A Few Reasons To Take Your Short-Haired Pet To The Groomers

Posted on: 21 April 2016

If you own short-haired pets, you are saved the problems that go with caring for pets with longer hair. You do not have to brush or comb them as often, if at all, you will probably never have to deal with matted hair, and don't have to worry about hidden prickers, sticks, or other items that can be poking into the animal's skin. You may even think you do not need to take your pet to be groomed. However, to properly care for your pet, the occasional trip to the groomer is advised. Here are a few things the pet groomer will do for your animal besides give it a shampoo, cut, and style.

Trim Nails

While it is possible to trim our dog's or cat's nails at home, it might not be something either you or the animal are comfortable with. Many pets will resist having the procedure done, ending up with the two of your wrestling and one of you getting hurt. Unless you have experience or seen it done a lot, you may not be aware of how far down you can trim. If you cut into the quick, it will result in some pain and bleeding for the animal. This will make it more resistant the next time you try. In addition, if the animal has dark colored nails, you may not be able to see where the quick is, and have to guess. A professional groomer is not only much less likely to cut into the quick, he or she is also used to dealing with animals that resist having their nails trimmed.


Not every grooming facility will brush the animals' teeth, but there is a number that does. Even if you give your pet treats that "clean" teeth, or you regularly brush them yourself, it is a good idea to have a groomer do it once in a while too. Having done the teeth for many animals, a groomer is more likely to notice when there is a problem that needs veterinary care before you would. The sooner you have the problem taken care of, the less likely it is the tooth will be lost. Tooth loss is a big reason older animals cannot eat, resulting in other health problems. If you do not currently brush your animal's teeth, you definitely should have a groomer do the job and ask him or her to show you how you can do it at home.

Part of your responsibility as a pet owner is to be sure that all of its needs are met. This includes grooming. You would not go months without taking care of your nails or teeth, why would you neglect that on your pet? Besides taking care of things you are not comfortable with doing yourself, give you pet a day at a loca spa (such as Animal Kingdom South). He or she deserves a bit of pampering too.


Keeping My Pet Happy While I Travel

When my employer asked me to travel abroad for a year straight, I realized that it would be hard to take my pet along. Since I didn't know where I was going to be and what I was going to be doing, it seemed a little risky to pack my dog on a plane and hope for the best. Instead, I looked around for a pet boarding center who could take care of my dog while I was away. I was able to find an incredible business that handled long-term pet care, and they offered everything I was looking for. Check out this blog for information about pet daycare.

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