Prepare Your Pet For The Summer

Posted on: 6 July 2016

Your pet needs extra care to be ready for summer. Things like insects, new plant growth and rising temperatures are all things that need to be addressed. Here is a guideline of things you need to do to prepare your pet for the summer.

Flea Treatment

Insects like mites and fleas grow in vast numbers when mercury rises. Even pets that haven't had any issues with fleas in the past may become infected from a simple visit out in the backyard.

Treat your lawn with an appropriate flea treatment to inhibit potential outdoor flea infestations. Give your pet a flea collar to wear, or ask your vet about ingestible flea preventive measures.

Plant Management

Your pets can have trouble with plants just as you can. Be sure to manage your outdoor plant growth so that pets aren't liable to get abrasions from broken limbs as they wander around your yard. If you have plants that produce burrs, these can lodge in your pet's fur when they lay down outside. Burrs are difficult to remove, and often lead to fur matting. Consider removing any plants that produce burrs or thorns if you think your pet may experience harm from them.

Protection From Heat

As your pet starts to spend more time outdoors, it's important to ensure they have a place to get out of the heat even when you're not there to let them back in the house. A shed or dog house will work, as will a partially open garage door that allows the pet access without exposing your vehicle to theft.

Access to Water

Be sure to provide plenty of water for your pet to drink when they need it. Weight down water bowls so they don't tip over if your pet's leash accidentally wraps around it. It's best to have more than one water bowl available in case one gets empty due to evaporation.

A Good Trim

The beginning of summer is the best time to bring your pet to a groomer for a good trim, brush and wash. The pet groomer will be able to get rid of the heavy undercoat that pets develop over the winter months. Your pet will be a lot more comfortable without the heavy undercoat. While this undercoat sheds naturally over time, the groomer can help speed up the process or eliminate it entirely.

These steps will help to ensure that your pet has an enjoyable and safe summer. Talk to a vet, like The Pets Place Animal Hospital, for more advice.


Keeping My Pet Happy While I Travel

When my employer asked me to travel abroad for a year straight, I realized that it would be hard to take my pet along. Since I didn't know where I was going to be and what I was going to be doing, it seemed a little risky to pack my dog on a plane and hope for the best. Instead, I looked around for a pet boarding center who could take care of my dog while I was away. I was able to find an incredible business that handled long-term pet care, and they offered everything I was looking for. Check out this blog for information about pet daycare.

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